Call us – We Deliver

3634 Luneta Ln.
Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 723-6950
E-mail: [email protected]
Price subject to change without notice.
Plants subject to availability at time of order.
Prices FOB Fallbrook, CA.
Archonophoenix cunn. | King Palm | 1 gallon | 1750 | $ 1.50 |
Archonophoenix cunn. | King Palm | 24″ box | 10 | $145.00 |
Archonophoenix cunn. | King Palm | 30″ box | 5 | $225.00 |
Archonophoenix cunn. | King Palm | 36″ box | 5 | $375.00 |
Archonophoenix cunn. | King Palm | 4″ | 3000 | $ 0.93 |
Archonophoenix cunn. | King Palm | 5 gallons | 25 | $ 45.00 |
Brahea armata | Mexican Blue Palm | 1 gallon | 100 | $ 2.50 |
Brahea armata | Mexican Blue Palm | 15 gallons | 10 | $ 85.00 |
Brahea armata | Mexican Blue Palm | 20 gallons | 10 | $ 75.00 |
Brahea armata | Mexican Blue Palm | 4″ | 100 | $ 0.93 |
Butia capitata | Pindo Palm | 15″ box | 5 | $ 45.00 |
Butia capitata | Pindo Palm | 20″ box | 5 | $ 75.00 |
Butia capitata | Pindo Palm | 4″ | 100 | $ 0.93 |
Cham. Elegans | Parlor | 6″ | 500 | $ 2.50 |
Cham. Elegans | Parlor | 8″ | 300 | $ 3.50 |
Cham. Humilis | Mediterrianian Fan | 1 gallon | 200 | $ 2.50 |
Cham. Humilis | Mediterrianian Fan | 5 gallons | 350 | $ 5.00 |
Cocos plumosa | Queen Palm | 1 gallon | 200 | $ 1.50 |
Cocos plumosa | Queen Palm | 24″ box | 85 | $ 85.00 |
Cocos plumosa | Queen Palm | 30″ box | 5 | $185.00 |
Cocos plumosa | Queen Palm | 36″ box | 5 | $250.00 |
Cocos plumosa | Queen Palm | 4″ | 950 | $ 0.93 |
Cocos plumosa | Queen Palm | 5 gallons | 100 | $ 8.00 |
Cycas revoluta | Sago Palm | 1 gallon | 2000 | $ 2.50 |
Dioon spinulosum | Blue Dioon | 1 gallon | 25 | $ 5.00 |
Dioon spinulosum | Blue Dioon | 15 gallons | 35 | $ 55.00 |
Dioon spinulosum | Blue Dioon | 5 gallons | 50 | $ 10.00 |
Howea forsterana | Kentia Palm | 2 gallons | 700 | $ 7.50 |
Howea forsterana | Kentia Palm | 5 gallons | 250 | $ 19.95 |
Livestonia chinensis | Chinese Fan | 15 gallons | 10 | $ 45.00 |
Livestonia chinensis | Chinese Fan | 24″ box | 5 | $125.00 |
Livestonia chinensis | Chinese Fan | 30″ box | 5 | $225.00 |
Livestonia chinensis | Chinese Fan | 4″ | 100 | $ 0.93 |
Livestonia decipiens | Ribbon Fan | 1 gallon | 25 | $ 2.50 |
Livestonia decipiens | Ribbon Fan | 24″ box | 5 | $175.00 |
Livestonia decipiens | Ribbon Fan | 30″ box | 5 | $225.00 |
Neodypsis decarmi | Triangle Palm | 4″ | 50 | $ 0.93 |
Phoenix canariensis | Canary Island Palm | 1 gallon | 500 | $ 2.50 |
Phoenix canariensis | Canary Island Palm | 4″ | 1500 | $ 0.93 |
Phoenix canariensis | Canary Island Palm | 5 gallons | 200 | $ 5.00 |
Bambusa beechyana | Beechy bamboo | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 65.00 |
Bambusa dolichoclada | Stripe | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 90.00 |
Bambusa oldhamii | Giant Timber | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 90.00 |
Bambusa textilis | Weavers | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 90.00 |
Bambusa tulda | Bambusa tulda | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 90.00 |
Bambusa tuldoies | Punting Pole | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 90.00 |
Bambusa ventricosa | Buddha’s Belly | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 65.00 |
Bambusa vulgaris ‘Vitatta’ | Painted Bamboo | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 65.00 |
Chusquea coronalis | Chusquea coronalis | 15 gallons | CALL | $120.00 |
Dendrocalamus asper | Dendrocalamus asper | 15 gallons | CALL | CALL |
Dendrocalamus giganteas | Dendrocalamus giganteas | 15 gallons | CALL | CALL |
Dendrocalamus latiflorus | Dendrocalamus latiflorus | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 65.00 |
Guadua angustifolia | Cana Brava | 15 gallons | CALL | $150.00 |
Otatea acum. Aztecorum | Mexican Weeping | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 55.00 |
Phyllostachys b. ‘R. Young’ | Phyllostachys b. ‘Robert Young’ | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 90.00 |
Phyllostachys bambusoides | Madake | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 55.00 |
Phyllostachys nigra | Black Bamboo | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 55.00 |
Phyllostachys nigra ‘Henon’ | Phyllostachys nigra ‘Henon’ | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 90.00 |
Phyllostachys virdis | Phyllostachys virdis | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 55.00 |
Phyllostachys vivax | Phyllostachys vivax | 15 gallons | CALL | $ 90.00 |
Abutilon | Flowering Maple Pink | 1 gallon | 30 | $ 2.50 |
Abutilon | Flowering Maple Pink | 1 gallon | 10 | $ 2.50 |
Abutilon | Flowering Maple Pink | 15 gallons | 30 | $ 45.00 |
Abutilon | Flowering Maple Pink | 5 gallons | 10 | $ 10.00 |
Agapanthus | Lily of the Nile | 1 gallon | 200 | $ 2.50 |
Agapanthus | Lily of the Nile | 4″ | 250 | $ 0.93 |
Agapanthus | Lily of the Nile | 5 gallons | 0 | $ 10.00 |
Agave victoria | Agave White Stripes | 5 gallons | 100 | $ 10.00 |
Aralia elegantissima | Shiffera eleg | 1 gallon | 200 | $ 2.50 |
Bauhinia Blankeand | Hong Kong Orchid Tree | 1 gallon | 350 | $ 2.75 |
Bauhinia Blankeand | Hong Kong Orchid Tree | 3 gallons | 100 | $ 3.50 |
Bauhinia Blankeand | Hong Kong Orchid Tree | 4″ | 200 | $ 1.50 |
Bauhinia Blankeand | Hong Kong Orchid Tree | 5 gallons | 50 | $ 10.00 |
Brachychiton | Stencuilia Flame Tree | 5 gallons | 50 | $ 10.00 |
Brachychiton p | B populineus Bottet. | 1 gallon | 30 | $ 2.50 |
Bromelia balan | Blue Blooms | 5 gallons | 100 | $ 10.00 |
Chorisia speciosa | Floss Silk Tree | 1 gallon | 25 | $ 5.00 |
Chorisia speciosa | Floss Silk Tree | 15 gallons | 5 | $ 45.00 |
Chorisia speciosa | Floss Silk Tree | 5 gallons | 15 | $ 10.00 |
Daubentonia tripetti | Scarley Wisteria | 15 gallons | 20 | $ 45.00 |
Daubentonia tripetti | Scarley Wisteria | 5 gallons | 50 | $ 10.00 |
Erithrina | Corral Tree | 15 gallons | 15 | $ 45.00 |
Erithrina | Corral Tree | 20 gallons | 10 | $ 85.00 |
Erithrina | Corral Tree | 24″ box | 3 | $125.00 |
Erithrina | Corral Tree | 48″ box | 2 | $375.00 |
Fatsia japonica | Jap. Aralia | 1 gallon | 100 | $ 2.50 |
Fatsia japonica | Jap. Aralia | 15 gallons | 25 | $ 45.00 |
Fatsia japonica | Jap. Aralia | 5 gallons | 100 | $ 10.00 |
Feijoa sellowlana | Pineapple Guava | 1 gallon | 50 | $ 2.50 |
Feijoa sellowlana | Pineapple Guava | 3 gallons | 200 | $ 5.50 |
Ferocutus cylindy. | Barrel Cactus Fruit | 4″ | 60 | $ 0.93 |
Festuca ovlangl | Blue Festuca | 1 gallon | 150 | $ 2.50 |
Festuca ovlangl | Blue Festuca | 4″ | 200 | $ 0.93 |
Ficus benghalensis | Ficus benghalensis | 15 gallons | 4 | $ 45.00 |
Ficus benghalensis | Ficus benghalensis | 24″ box | 2 | $125.00 |
Ficus benghalensis | Ficus benghalensis | 30″ box | 4 | $225.00 |
Ficus benghalensis | Ficus benghalensis | 36″ box | 2 | $325.00 |
Ficus rubiginosa | Ficus Rusty Leaf | 1 gallon | 200 | $ 2.50 |
Ficus rubiginosa | Ficus Rusty Leaf | 15 gallons | 10 | $ 35.00 |
Ficus rubiginosa | Ficus Rusty Leaf | 30″ box | 2 | $225.00 |
Ficus rubiginosa | Ficus Rusty Leaf | 4″ | 500 | $ 0.93 |
Ficus rubiginosa | Ficus Rusty Leaf | 5 gallons | 50 | $ 10.00 |
Fushia | Purple Fushia | 1 gallon | 45 | $ 2.50 |
Geranium | Cransbill | 1 gallon | 50 | $ 2.50 |
Geranium | Cransbill | 2 gallon | 25 | $ 2.50 |
Hedera | Ivy | 1 gallon | 50 | $ 0.93 |
Hedera | Ivy | 4″ | 75 | $ 3.50 |
Hedera | Ivy | 5 gallons | 20 | $ 2.50 |
Jacaranda | Jacaranda mimos. | 1 gallon | 500 | $ 0.93 |
Jacaranda | Jacaranda mimos. | 15 gallons | 350 | $ 10.00 |
Jacaranda | Jacaranda mimos. | 24″ box | 0 | $ 25.00 |
Jacaranda | Jacaranda mimos. | 4″ | 200 | $ 10.00 |
Jacaranda | Jacaranda mimos. | 5 gallons | 500 | $ 2.50 |
Monstera deliciosa | Spl. Leaf Philad | 1 gallon | 100 | $ 2.75 |
Monstera deliciosa | Spl. Leaf Philad | 15 gallons | 5 | $ 55.00 |
Monstera deliciosa | Spl. Leaf Philad | 4″ | 200 | $ 1.25 |
Monstera deliciosa | Spl. Leaf Philad | 5 gallons | 250 | $ 10.00 |
Nandina domestica | Heavenly Bamboo | 1 gallon | 200 | $ 2.50 |
Nandina domestica | Heavenly Bamboo | 5 gallons | 100 | $ 10.00 |
Philadendron | P. sellom | 1 gallon | 50 | $ 2.50 |
Philadendron | P. sellom | 5 gallons | 50 | $ 10.00 |
Pittosporum | P. undelatum | 1 gallon | 100 | $ 2.50 |
Pittosporum | P. undelatum | 5 gallons | 25 | $ 10.00 |
Plumeria | P. Obtusa | 5 gallons | 250 | $ 7.50 |
Raphiolepsis | Indian Hawthorne | 1 gallon | 200 | $ 2.50 |
Robina | R. pseudocacia blue | 24″ box | 4 | $125.00 |
Sequoia s. | Coast redwood | 1 gallon | 25 | $ 3.50 |
Sequoia s. | Coast redwood | 4″ | 50 | $ 2.00 |
Solanum | S. jasminoides | 1 gallon | 10 | $ 2.50 |
Solanum | S. jasminoides | 5 gallons | 10 | $ 10.00 |
Strelitzia nicolai | Giant Bird of Paradise | 1 gallon | 200 | $ 2.50 |
Strelitzia nicolai | Giant Bird of Paradise | 24″ box | 5 | $125.00 |
Strelitzia nicolai | Giant Bird of Paradise | 30″ box | 5 | $225.00 |
Strelitzia nicolai | Giant Bird of Paradise | 36″ box | 5 | $295.00 |
Strelitzia nicolai | Giant Bird of Paradise | 5 gallons | 100 | $ 10.00 |
Westeria sinesis | Blue Wisteria | 1 gallon | 55 | $ 2.50 |
Westeria sinesis | Blue Wisteria | 5 gallons | 45 | $ 10.00 |
Zantedeshia aeth. | Calla Lilly | 1 gallon | 100 | $ 2.50 |
Zantedeshia aeth. | Calla Lilly | 4″ | 200 | $ 0.93 |
Zantedeshia aeth. | Calla Lilly | 5 gallons | 50 | $ 10.00 |
Zing. Borofic | Edible Ginger | 5″ | 10 | $ 10.00 |
We accept Visa and MasterCard.
Call us – We Deliver

3634 Luneta Ln.
Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 723-6950
E-mail: [email protected]